Board of Education
Board of Education
Center Consolidated Schools is governed by a five member Board of Education whose major duties include establishing policy, setting District goals, approving all expenditures, and keeping the public informed about the business of the District.
Board Meetings
Meetings take place on the second and Tuesday of each month from January through December in the Fyock Library Community Room. The business portion of the meeting starts at 6:00 PM. Executive Sessions, when scheduled, are typically held at the end of the regular meeting. Deviations from this schedule occur due to holidays or special needs.
Public Participation at Board Meetings
All regular and special meetings of the Board are open to the public. Because the Board desires to hear the viewpoints of citizens throughout the District, and also needs to conduct its business in an orderly and efficient manner, it schedules periods during each meeting for "Brief Comments from the Public" and "Special Visitations."
Brief Comments from the Public
Citizens who desire to speak to the Board are invited to do so during the "Brief Comments from the Public" portion of the meeting agenda. Anyone intending to speak to the Board must sign the speaker sign-in sheet at the doorway upon entering the meeting room. At the beginning of the "Brief Comments from the Public" section, speakers are called by the President Officer in the order in which they are listed on the sign-in sheet.
The following guidelines are enforced during the "Brief Comments" portion of the agenda:
Each speaker must limit their comments to three minutes in length unless the time limit is waived by a majority vote of the Board Members present.
No charges or complaints against individual District employees can be made. Such charges or complaints should be sent to the Superintendent or School Board Members in writing, signed by the originator.
Remarks that discriminate against anyone or adversely reflect upon the race, color, ancestry, religion, national origin, physical handicap, medical condition, gender, age, or martial status of any person are deemed out of order and will end the speaker's privilege to address the Board.
If more than one speaker wishes to speak on the same topic, the new speaker is limited to providing only new information on that topic.
If the Board feels further action is necessary, it will direct the Superintendent to take appropriate action. The results of the action will be communicated to the concerned citizen as soon as possible.
The Board can not take formal action on any concern or request at the time of the speaker's presentation.
Special Visitations
If a citizen wishes to enter into dialogue with the Board, he or she must place a request to do so with the Superintendent by Noon on the Wednesday prior to the Board Meeting during which he or she wishes to be heard. The request must include the presenter's name and address, as well as the topic the presenter will address the Board about. The Superintendent will review the request to determine if the concern or issue may be resolved without placing it on the Board agenda. Once the review is completed, the Superintendent will place the item on the next meeting agenda if the action is still appropriate. The speaker must adhere to the above rules regarding the "Brief Comments" portion of the agenda with the following exceptions:
The Board Members and Superintendent may ask questions of the speaker to better understand the comments made.
The speaker will be granted fifteen minutes to present their topic, unless the time limit is waived by a majority of the Board Members present.
The speaker need not sign-in, since they will already be on the agenda.
Board Elections
Board directors are elected to a four-year term. Elections for open positions take place in November of every odd-numbered year.